Oh Rugby, How I've Missed You!!

Seriously!? Could things get better for me? Sometimes I think so... and then I give my head a shake, kick my own ass and realize things aren't so frickin' bad! I say this because I had another waytoomuchfun weekend! OMG. Friday started off hanging with my an old friend and some of his friends for Day #1 of Stampede. I don't usually partake in the festivities but I've broken my own rules this year and have joined in like a dirty shirt. Friday started when they cooked us a massive breakfast and then we hit Nashville North (AKA Smashville North) and then I went to the Chuckwagons with some other friends of mine. Along the way, Lisa met up with me and we were lucky enough to run into one of our former teammates, Lydia! That girl is AWESOME. I had an opportunity to patch up another very missed friendship and hope that it is on the mend again. I missed you! You know who you are... xoxo

So much love here! Kyla, Lydia & Lisa!
Ok - so in reference to the title... Rugby. Ahhhhhh..... For 12 years (I think), rugby was my life. I would spend the winters training to get fit for the summers and then I would spend the summers playing rugby. It was 3 - 4 days a week, a game almost every weekend and then a party with my club mates every weekend. I quit playing in 2010 when my body decided that it couldn't withstand 80 minutes of rugby every weekend anymore. I have had 2 ACL reconstructions thanks to rugby, and always said 2 surgeries was my max! I am still, madly in love with the sport but have had to let my body take the very much needed break. Anyway - this weekend, I dusted off my cleats and played in the Stampede 7s Rugby Tournament. When I started with the Calgary Rams Rugby Club in 2004 - this tournament was tiny. Through the hard work of many of my friends and teammates, the tournament has grown to host about 60 teams from all over the world! It was AMAZING to see. I am so proud of all of their hard work! My team and I played 3 games and I had so much fun. I felt so at home in my cleats and back out on the pitch. A small part of me is pondering coming out of retirement.

Our Tournament Team
I was talking to a friend of mine who I played university rugby with. She too is retired because her doctor told her that she couldn't have any more concussions. We were talking yesterday about how, yes - we both miss the sport but more than missing the sport... you miss that sense of community you get with being a part of a team and a part of a club. I feel like the people that I've known at rugby are friends for life and people that will always be my friends no matter the time that passes. I feel like they would have my back and I theirs, just like in a game! I've made so many really amazing friends through all of my years of sports and in particular rugby. There is something really special to me about having had the experiences I've had and I will always hold the memories and the people close to my heart! xo


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