Back from the East!

Miss me!? Probably not, though my page views indicate that this little blog has been viewed more than 1000 times, with at least 500 of those probably being me looking at it because I'm so impressed with the number of times I've posted! :)

So, I got back late on Sunday night from an epic trip out to the Eastern coast of Canada. I was lucky enough to get sent to a Career Fair in Fredricton by my work. My friend and I decided we best make an adventure out of it, so we rented a car and headed to Moncton after we closed shop on Thursday night. It was awesome! Pictures will be posted below. I ate a lot of seafood. I ate lobster at least 3 times. I love lobster. Period. We stayed at the Downtown Bed & Breakfast in Moncton. Linda, our host, made us french toast all 3 mornings as well as the best homemade banana bread I've ever tasted! Catch 22 in Moncton, is worth the visit as is the Pumphouse Microbrewrey - they make VERY good blueberry beer! DELISH. I ate the best coconut macroon square ever that I only paid $1 for from the Farmer's Market. Yes, my mind is always thinking about food. If you haven't been able to tell - I love eating.

The week before I left, I was back into the kitchen with several, in my opinion, awesome creations! :) Again, and as always - the pictures certainly don't do it any justice but here's what I threw together last Tuesday! Apologies for the lack of measurements!

Salmon Cakes
salmon, no skin (you could use canned) - I used 2 fillets
almond flour, probably about a quarter cup
garlic, diced
red onion, diced
1 egg

Throw all of the ingredients into your food processor. Turn it on. While this is whirring and whizzing about, take out a frying pan and heat it up. Put some oil into it. Then take the salmon mixture and make patties. Put them in the heated pan. Fry. Eat. AWESOME. This made about 4 cakes which was good for 2 meals! :)

Old Train Bridge in Fredricton

Confederation Bridge
Beach at Aboiteau


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