It's a Tired Tuesday

Oh man, it's only Tuesday!? Ok, I shouldn't complain because I only have 2 more days of the work week left. I'm TTTTTTIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEDDDDDD today. I had to get up at 4am and catch a flight to work this morning. The flight got delayed. I was late for everything. It's exhausting running around like the Tazmanian Devil all day!

Anyway, time to make good on my promise and post another thing I experimented with this weekend. I was trying to make things that would cater to my gluten free, egg free & dairy free friend for Sunday's brunch. I made a fruit dip thing that I wasn't crazy about and I also made "ice cream" which I ate before I shared. It was so good.

I found the fruit dip recipe here. I think I got a little overzealous with the coconut milk, so this could be why it never thickened like I hoped it would. It tasted ok, but it was like dipping banana into banana. WEIRD. I ended up freezing the leftovers to see if it would work as well as my "ice cream" recipe did (post to come).

FRUIT DIP (original version found here)
2 ripe bananas
1 cup coconut milk
2 teaspoons coconut flour
1/2 tablespoons cocoa
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Put it all into a food processor and blend it until smooth. I think I used more than a cup of coconut milk so my dip, even after a night in the fridge was watery. OH WELL!

Fruit Dip!
One seriously awesome thing about today - FOODIE PENPAL! It's the 5th of the month, we exchanged names today! I cannot wait to go shopping and then post it on the 30th. I'm sure you're just as excited too! :)

Ok people, that is all for today! I'm ready to catch a plane again and head home. What a glamorous life I lead... ha!


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