November Foodie Penpal!
Reminder of what a dickie is Another day, another dollar! Or something like that, what? Ok.. I don't even know what that means. For the record, I'm not making any dollars today (well, I am because I'm a salaried employee) because I'm sitting at home covered in hives. Head. To. Toe. Hives. It starts at my ears and I actually have some on my feet, no joke. I've taken Reactine, spread hydro-cortisone cream all over my body (it reminds me of diaper cream), taken an oatmeal bath, itched, whined, etc. etc. and nothing has stopped it. I suppose you're wondering how I found myself in this wondrous position. Well, on Tuesday I started to get a terrible sore throat which could only be strep throat....and the hives slowly started on my neck. When I woke up on Wednesday, my neck looked like I was wearing a dickie of hives. Remember dickies? Those fake turtle neck things...yeah, it was like that but it was hives. Anyway, the clinic gave me penicillin. I took it. Turns ...