1/2 Marathon & Foodie Penpal
Big News people! I did it, I did it, I did it! I finished my very first (and likely last) half marathon on Sunday! It was a challenge to say the very least but one I'm very happy I did. I don't know that I'll run 21km again but am so happy to be able to say that I did it. My friend Kate (World TriAthlete, no big deal) ran with me and acted as my own personal pace car. I aimed to run it in 2:10 - 2:15 and ended up running it in 2:02. It was AMAZING. I surprised myself with the results but a part of me is wondering how I would have done if I hadn't scaled back the training in the last few weeks! Nevertheless - what a great sense of accomplishment! Thank you to everyone who supported me! I feel so loved! Want to see some moments of me in my misery & joy?! Visit here. It really captures things perfectly - when it looks like it might cry, it's because I almost did. HA! Ok - on to other things... Foodie Penpal time! Helllllls yeah! I got a nice person named Anna wh...