
Showing posts from May, 2012

1/2 Marathon & Foodie Penpal

Big News people! I did it, I did it, I did it! I finished my very first (and likely last) half marathon on Sunday! It was a challenge to say the very least but one I'm very happy I did. I don't know that I'll run 21km again but am so happy to be able to say that I did it. My friend Kate (World TriAthlete, no big deal) ran with me and acted as my own personal pace car. I aimed to run it in 2:10 - 2:15 and ended up running it in 2:02. It was AMAZING. I surprised myself with the results but a part of me is wondering how I would have done if I hadn't scaled back the training in the last few weeks! Nevertheless - what a great sense of accomplishment! Thank you to everyone who supported me! I feel so loved! Want to see some moments of me in my misery & joy?! Visit here.  It really captures things perfectly - when it looks like it might cry, it's because I almost did. HA! Ok - on to other things... Foodie Penpal time! Helllllls yeah! I got a nice person named Anna wh...

Oh heeeyyyyy

 Well hi! I like that I write this like someone is seriously reading this. BUT, I'm excited to see that I do have 8 whole followers even if one of them is me. haha. I'm someone too you know! So, I don't have anything exciting in terms of recipes to share. I've been shamefully lazy, and spending as much time outside as possible. I've started leaving my apartment, being busy and getting on with life in general! I will however share some pictures of things that I have been doing! I promise the next post will be something baked or cooked or something to do with the kitchen. PROMISE. In fact, I believe a foodie penpal post will be in order ASAP. SO PUMPED. Gawd dammit I love that program.  Ok, so here are some really crappy views on hikes I've been. Ok, I'm just trying to be funny - they aren't crappy at all. In fact, they are breathtaking. I love that I live so close to this stuff that I can just wake up and decide to go in a minute. YESSSSSS. At t...

New Recipe for an Old Standby

Well shit, I've been slacking. You can tell that spring has sprung because I haven't been spending my time holed up indoors and spending my weekends cooking and baking! BUT, that being said - I've committed to this & must roll on!  So, first things - I signed up for yet another Foodie Penpal ! Pretty excited about it again! I sent the package today and will share on May 30th when I get my package. Can't wait! I love getting mail and love getting presents. This is wicked!  Right now, I have about 6 or 7 pregnant friends. I am not kidding! These are people in my close circle. You want to get knocked up - be friends with me! (Btw - when I say knocked up, I mean offense to anyone...and my friends are happily married or about to be in case it matters). So, last Saturday, I had my lovely and very pregnant friend Keely over for brunch. I had been promising her for months that I would make her and her baby some pumpkin muffins. I did just that... Baked up ...